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Stepping out of Comfort zone

I have been reading about 3rd sector area, regarding NGOs and philanthropic projects and there are many reasons to fall in love with this area because putting Community service as your job to be able to sustain you and your family and also help the community is very noble. I believe it gives people purpose and reason to be working on behalf of something bigger besides monetary benefits. I have not been posting a lot because the past few days have been chaotic. IBM CSC is an amazing opportunity to put yourself out of comfort zone, in multiple perspectives. In this post I will list some of them:

1) Be far from everyone you love

2) Be in a whole different culture

3) Meet a whole new family

4) Feel the responsibility of been selected to IBM CSC in your shoulders

5) Work in projects that do not necessarily meet your expertise

I heard from one person when I was back in Brazil and he told me that he also wanted to apply to CSC because he wanted to take "some vacation". So, friend - I prefer to not identify the person - CSC is NOT vacation and if you have the privilege to be selected, be aware that it will not be all flowers everyday. There will be disruptions that will transform you in every aspect of your human being and as a return, you will - I hope - become a better person.

Been away of your home country for some might be good, for me it is difficult because I love Brazil. It might have all the political, social and economical issues, but still, I love it. Brazil is also where my family: the ones that share the same blood and those ones I chose to have as family. For me, wherever these people are, is actually the place I will call home. Being in CSC in a country in other part of the world is not easy because I miss them, I miss my country, I miss the food and the people I love. In the other hand, I also have a family I have the luck to be with here: CSC India 38. Last weekend I was very sick, felt stomach issues, had diarrhea, nausea and headache and if it was not this family taking care of me, I don't know what it would have been. Nowadays, my two friends who had the same issue laugh about the situation, but trust me, it was not as good when I was feeling it. =)

Besides being away from family back home, being in a whole new culture that is not just how people dress, but how they behave, how the food tastes and how the food is prepared is very challenging and again makes you go out of your comfort zone. Being in India again is somewhat easier than the first time because I knew what to expect and that it would be a whole culture immersion. I came here with the focus to be completely open-minded and to learn with it. I see multiple colors, I see women fighting for their rights everyday, I see animals getting food and being worshiped, I taste colorful and SPICY food, I see a mix of Hindi "root" culture and a fusion with Technology and western culture. I feel a weather that is not that different from mine: sunny and warm. I see people with different levels of western culture influence and finally, I see many NGOs fighting and working hard to help develop their country. Specially my NGO partner: READ India focusing not only in community development but also in education and sustainability, which makes me think we must have more of these in Brazil.

Focusing on my CSC assignment, I don't think it could be more challenging that it is. Our main focus is to help our NGO on a strategic level, non-IT related, which is really not what my expertise relies on and it was very challenging in the beginning because I could not feel how I could possibly help an NGO that is well structured and mature. This past week was hard because of that. I really felt I needed to find my spot and help the best way I could in this project. Finally, I know what it is. I am very glad our sub-group has an expert consultant who has been very patient and really leading our team towards the end goal: Bernadette. Today, the end of the 2nd assignment week we have a great list of deliverables that we need to deliver by March 27th, so hard-work is on the way!

According to a workshop I participated about Emotional Intelligence, self-awareness is one of the most important perspectives and according to "Johari Window", there is a part of ourselves that we don't know what is and that others cannot see either. And, stepping out of our comfort zone is the best way to get to know this perspective of ourselves, which means IBM CSC is a single opportunity where you can experience this out-of-comfort zone in multiple perspectives at the same time. Even though it might not be comfortable at first, adaptability and empathy empowers us to keep moving. I feel I am a better person now and I hope I can learn more and more throughout the second half of this experience.

I was sick last weekend and traveling this way was not comfortable, but if I did not do it, I would have not met Taj Mahal. This experience of overcoming the sickness, having patience with my limitations on that condition, and seeing respect and empathy from my colleagues really made me stronger and it gives me reason to believe that overcoming my challenges here or in any future experience, will pay-off with self-awareness, knowledge, experience, a great story to tell me kids in the future and a world-wonder visit, why not?

Taj Mahal

Namaste and talk to you again tomorrow!


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